​Each person's pathway is unique. What are your next steps?
Northbrook Church exists to make compelling followers of Jesus Christ. As we follow Jesus, we are invited to a lifelong journey of transformation (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18). This is an intentional process, initiated by the Spirit’s action and the believer’s desire.
Our Formation Pathway is a resource designed to give direction to our desire for a transformative encounter with God. Accompanying the pathway, you’ll find practical resources that help us to not just learn about this way of life, but actually participate in it for ourselves.
There is no right way to do this, or a single place to begin. That being said, here are a few tips to help you get started…
Focus on one thing at a time. The Formation Pathway is a lifelong journey, not a checklist. Eugene Peterson describes the spiritual journey as a “long obedience in the same direction.” Prioritize consistency over intensity.
Invite others to join you. We can only get so far on our own. The benefits of community include encouragement, accountability, and diversity. Consider seeking out a Northbrook mentor or a trusted friend as you engage with The Formation Pathway.
Reflect on your journey. Don’t let the sacred moments you experience while engaging in the Formation Pathway be forgotten. Consistently set aside time to reflect on what you are learning and how God is transforming you. Consider recording your reflections in a journal - your future self will thank you!

discover life with jesus
Discovering our life in Christ is both a starting point and a lifelong journey. God invites us into a process of learning about Him, choosing to follow Him, and being rooted into a local church community. As we willingly engage with this process, our faith is strengthened, and we discover what it means to live “life to the full.” (John 10:10)
grow in my relationship with Jesus
As we discover our life in Christ, we also begin a lifelong process of growth and transformation. Through intentional living, sacred habits, life in community, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we unlearn the ways of the world and put on the character and values of Jesus. The end goal of all Christian growth is deeper worship and love for God and others.