Interested in becoming a member? Completing the "Life With Jesus" LifeGroup is the first step.
Register for the next session of Life With Jesus on the Life Groups page
Contact Jessica Dahlke, Administrative Assistant for Life Groups, with questions.
The Northbrook Membership Covenant
We confess our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. By the power of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to His Word, we seek to worship God in spirit and truth, both individually and in the community of believers, apply the truths of Scripture to our lives by making diligent use of the many opportunities to grow toward spiritual maturity, encourage one another towards love and good works, invest in the Lord's work at this church with our gifts, prayers and service, and set a Christian example at all times, witnessing to others that they may believe. We will seek to preserve the unity of the Spirit and give our Lord Jesus Christ first place in our lives.