Discover/Grow events
night of prayer
Monday October 14, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Join us in the sanctuary for an hour of prayer from 6:30-7:30 PM
Men's breakfasts
Saturday October 12, November 9, December 14
8 - 9:30 AM
This is a great place to meet other Northbrook men, share breakfast and hear a different speaker each month. No signup - just come!
Free - bring a dish to pass
senior adults soup & chili fest
Wednesday October 23, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Bring a friend and your favorite soup or chili to this fun and delicious fall event in the nbCafé. No signup needed.
Free - bring a crock of soup or chili to share
equip parenting night
Friday November 8, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
An evening for all parents—or anyone who has influence with the next generation—to help equip you to come alongside kids of any age. Connect with other parents, and enjoy a short main session plus breakout sessions as we explore God’s guidance for our children’s wellbeing.
Childcare will be available for a fee.
Saturday November 9, 9 - 10:30 AM
Revelation Wellness:
Body Freedom Reset
If you're ready to break free from shame or regret when it comes to your body, join us for this Saturday morning. The Body Freedom Reset will take you from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed to living healthy, whole, and free in Christ. Event includes a light workout designed for any age or fitness level.
Marriage retreat
October 18-20
It’s always a good time to invest in your marriage! Married or engaged, looking to learn skills or in need of significant restoration, this weekend is for you. Join us at Fort Wilderness for the Relate Well Marriage Conference with Dr. Richard Marks. His wise and humorous counsel has helped to rebuild, renew, and revitalize marriages. Register at
Mental Health Monday
November 18, 6:30-8 PM (in the chapel)
At Northbrook Church, we embrace the reality that life is hard, and mental health struggles are real, including for people of faith. Mental Health Mondays are seasonal seminars that will provide information, resources, and practical guidance for those who suffer, family members, and anyone interested in learning more about mental health. Presenters with expertise and Jesus-centered approaches will lead these seminars.
The topic for November 18 will be Trauma
No registration necessary. Everyone is welcome.
Women's CHristmas Coffee
Wednesday December 11 or Thursday December 12
7 - 9:30 PM
Bring a friend to this wonderful Christmas celebration full of music and fun with an inspiring message from a guest speaker! Afterword, enjoy a delicious dessert and time to chat. $10 reserved seating tickets will go on sale on EventBrite Saturday, Oct. 26. Watch for more details this fall.
Senior Adults Christmas Lunch
Wednesday December 18 11 AM - 2 PM
Bring a friend to this festive Christmas gathering in the Chapel. Enjoy a delicious lunch shared among Senior Adult friends.
Cost: $15