First Impressions Teams
Greeter Team
Welcome people into the church with a warm smile and friendly greeting
Commitment: Serve every other week, 30 minutes before service until 5 minutes into the service. *Families are welcome to serve together
Guest Center Team
Every week we have new guests join us at Northbrook. The people in the Guest Center are the main resource for our new guests. They help answer questions about Northbrook and welcome new people into the church.
Commitment: Serve every other week, 30 minutes before or after a service
usher Team
Welcome people to the sanctuary and help them find seats, assist with other things during the services as needed.
Commitment: Serve every other week 30 minutes before the service, and continue during the service.
nb cafe
Provide high quality coffee beverages to our guests. Take orders and create beverages using the coffee machine and final beverage finishing steps.
Commitment: Serve every other week,
40 minutes before or after a service until 5 minutes into the service. *Age requirement: 18+
complimentary coffee team
Provide coffee for the congregation by making coffee, refilling coffee stations and cleaning up the stations and pots.
Commitment: Serve before or after one service on a rotational basis. *Age 16+ unless accompanied by an adult.
nb bookstore
Bookstore volunteers perform purchase transactions, interact with customers to assist with LifeGroup curriculum, and answer general questions about the products we offer.
Commitment: Serve every other week, 30 minutes before or after a service. Age requirement 18+
parking team
Serve as our first chance to welcome people to Northbrook with a warm smile and a wave while directing cars in the parking lot.
Commitment: Serve every other week, one half hour before service, into 5 minutes after service has begun.
*Age Requirement: 18+
communion prep
This team prepares communion for the weekend by setting out the communion elements before the worship service.
Serve once a month, before one worship service
Families are welcome to serve together
Sanctuary Straightening
Help maintain order in the sanctuary and chapel by restocking the envelopes and pens.
Serve for 45 minutes every other week
Serve when convenient for you during business hours Monday – Thursday
Age: 18+ unless accompanied by an adult